
Living Your Values Gets Employees Engaged

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October 24, 2017
January 14, 2021
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According to Gallup, 70% of employees at U.S. companies feel disengaged.

graphic of three human figures, only one is highlighted to show employee statistic.

One reason: many feel senior executives are out of touch with their employees. To increase engagement, employees need to believe in their employers’ stated values. It’s not an issue of whether employees know and understand their stated values, it’s that they don’t see those values being demonstrated.

“It’s not an issue of whether employees know and understand their stated values, it’s that they don’t see those values being demonstrated.”

It’s possible to measure the level of disengagement at your organization and dig deeper to identify sources and develop a plan to address those sources. When employees are fully engaged, they are motivated, committed and passionate in everything they do.

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